Homework 3: Modeling for Financial Time Series for Stock Markets Analytics Zoomcamp 2024

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Due date: 2024-05-26T23:59:59+00:00 (local time)

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Question 1. [Dummies on Month and Week-of-Month] Top correlation of a new dummy with a boolean prediction variable? (1 point)

Question 2. [Define new 'hand' rules] What's the precision score for the best new rule? (2 points)

Question 3. [Unique correct predictions for pred5_clf_10] Wha'ts the total number of records of 'unique correctness' on TEST? (1 point)

Question 4. [Hyperparams tuning] What's the best max_depth for a Decision Tree Classifier? (2 points)

Question 5. [EXPLORATORY] What data features are missing? (1 point)

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