
About me: Hi, my name is Khant Htoo Naing. You can call me “Hokfu” or “Turtle”. I am from Myanmar. I am currently studying IT in Thailand. I’m passionate about using data to solve problems, and that’s what drew me to machine learning and AI. I enjoy exploring and inspecting through data and find solutions in it. I am particularly interested in Machine Learning and Deep Learning with Python. To further my skills, I’m currently diving into MLOps, building pipeliens, and monitoring models. I am also interested in Generative AI and LLM Fine-tuning and currently working on developing applications with LLM and researching different Generative AI models and LLMs. I am also learning about agentic frameworks and architectures with LangChain and LangGraph.

Total Score: 76

Homework submissions

Homework 1: Introduction

Score: 9 = 6 (questions) + 0 (FAQ) + 3 (learning in public)

Homework URL: View submission

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Homework 2: Experiment Tracking

Score: 8 = 6 (questions) + 0 (FAQ) + 2 (learning in public)

Homework URL: View submission

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Homework 3: Training Pipelines

Score: 8 = 6 (questions) + 0 (FAQ) + 2 (learning in public)

Homework URL: View submission

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Homework 4: Deployment

Score: 8 = 6 (questions) + 0 (FAQ) + 2 (learning in public)

Homework URL: View submission

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Homework 5: Monitoring

Score: 6 = 6 (questions) + 0 (FAQ) + 0 (learning in public)

Homework URL: View submission

Homework 6: Best Practices

Score: 5 = 5 (questions) + 0 (FAQ) + 0 (learning in public)

Homework URL: View submission

Project submissions

Project attempt 2

Project score: 23 Passed

Score: 32 = 23 (project) + 9 (peer review) + 0 (learning in public / project) + 0 (learning in public / peer review) + 0 (FAQ)

Project URL: View project