About me: Data Engineer | Machine Learning and Deep Learning enthusiast ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 👋 Hello everyone, I'm a passionate Data Engineer 💻 and also developing skills in Machine Learning 🤖 and Deep Learning 🧠. Currently, I'm a Master's student in Information and Data Systems Engineering (MISID) at Amadou Mahtar Mbow University 🎓. I obtained my Bachelor's degree in Electronic, Computer and Telecommunication Systems from the École Supérieure des Sciences de l'Ingénierie at the Université Amadou Mahtar Mbow in Diamniadio, Senegal 🌍. I've worked on projects revolving around: ✔️ Business Intelligence 📊 ✔️ Developing ETL (Extraction, Transformation, Loading) processes using Talend Data Integration ⚙️ ✔️ Application development with ReactJS, Prisma, Firebase 🌐
Total Score: 1
Homework submissions
Homework 1: Docker, SQL and Terraform
Score: 1 = 1 (questions) + 0 (FAQ) + 0 (learning in public)
Project submissions
No project submissions found.