
About me: šŸ‘‹ Hi, Iā€™m @HelgaZambrana. I work as a Data Analyst in Avature, where I lead projects related to data migration. šŸ“Š Iā€™m a Data Science and Data Analytics enthusiast. šŸŽ“ I am a MSc Data Science Candidate at ITBA since August 2023 currently enrolled in the modules: Fundamentals of Data Analysis, Data Mining, Machine Learning Algorithms, Data Warehousing and Online Analytical Processing, Big Data Processing Tools. šŸŒ± My current stack includes SQL, Python (NumPy, Pandas, Matplotlib & Seaborn and Scikit-learn libraries), Tableau, Power BI and Bash & Git. I am also learning R (Tidyverse and data.table packages) at ITBA and HTML, CSS, JS and Java for developing websites as a personal hobby. šŸ’žļø I am passionate about telling stories with data, and developing insights with hands-on projects.

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